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No credit check cash advance lenders end up receiving many daily phone calls from people needing fast cash. For some people, it happens a few times a year while other first-timers are shocked that they are in this predicament. Most folks have an idea when their credit is bad. You can't hide your head that deep from money matters at least not for very long. The stories which come from people, who thought their credit was great until they applied for a credit card, got rejected and had to settle for a no credit check short-term loan are just as hard to hear as those who are scrambling for any kind of money.
Customer service calls are at times a quick payment update, a request to define the company's terms and services or an ear to listen to someone who is going through a rough financial spot. Many callers are calling for help. These calls are not just for fast cash no credit check loans. There are some people who are looking for personal financial advice. They want a chance to express their financial status, tell the reasons why and look for hope from the customer service representative that their financial status will turn around.
The sad part is that whether a person purposefully chose to create financial problems, fate handed them some bad luck or they just didn't understand how credit scores work. A no credit check advance is sometime their only access to fast cash. What is even sadder is that a responsible direct lender will not approve a loan based on story alone. As much as the employee may feel bad for the applicant, if their information does not support qualification factors then the loan will be rejected. The customer representative has a rough job when their heart tells them differently.